
S1097 I lagens namn (Blu-Ray)
[studio s]

S1097 I lagens namn (Blu-Ray)
A group of four policemen is known for cruising the streets of Stockholm in their van, looking for drunks or criminals they can beat up with their batons. Lately witnesses saw them pick up a drunk who later was found dead. The four policemen deny any knowledge. Police inspector Jarnebring gets the case and finds out that these four policemen have been reported for 22 cases of police brutality. Shortly after, another criminal dies in their van... (IMDB)
Format: Swedish Blu-Ray
Country/Year: Sweden/1986
Director: Kjell Sundvall
Actors: Sven Wollter, Anita Wall, Ernst Günther
Regional Code: B / Pal
Languages: Swedish
Subtitles: Swedish/English
Picture Format: 16x9 Widescreen 2.35:1
Audio: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
Length: 87 Minutes
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1 x A.D. DEL 3 (VHS)