
379 Cat Chaser (VHS)

379 Cat Chaser (VHS)
Something was calling George Moran away from his quiet Miami retreat ... the haunting memory of hi violent brush with death during the US invasion of the Dominican Republic.
Whilst on a trip to Santo Domingo in search of the woman who David his life. George instead reunites with a woman whose love could cost him everything.
Crime novelist Elmore Leonard co-wrote the script for CAT CHASER (based on his book) and Abel Ferrara (BAD LIEUTENANT) Directed. Peter Weller stars as Miami hotel owner and former U.S. paratrooper George Moran, who finds trouble when he gets mixed up with the wife of a deposed General of the Dominican republic where Moran fought during the U.S. invasion. Charles Durning co-stars as Jiggs, a grinning, ruthless ex-cop who has a scheme to relieve the General of his wealth.
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